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Home > Match Information > JBC/JPBA agree to hold events as scheduled even if quasi-state of emergency on COVID-19

JBC/JPBA agree to hold events as scheduled even if quasi-state of emergency on COVID-19

Jan 18, 2022 9:39 am

The Japan Boxing Commission and Japan Pro Boxing Association jointly confirmed on Jan. 17 that they will not alter the boxing events already scheduled for earlier this year despite the central government move to declare a quasi-state of emergency for Tokyo and other prefectures amid a rapid increase in the number of novel coronavirus cases in the region.

Holding a liaison council meeting, both the JBC and JPBA agreed to continue with the status quo concerning the limit on the number of spectators for a given event so long as the occupancy load limit does not exceed 5,000 even if the quasi-state of emergency is declared.

They also agreed not to move up the closing time of events, according to officials who attended the meeting.

But they did decide to cope with any sudden changes on novel coronavirus cases by the central government and local autonomous bodies.

The first event for this year will be the Japanese super bantamweight title fight between champion Gakuya Furuhashi of Kawasaki Nitta Boxing Gym and top-ranked Yusaku Kuga of Watanabe Boxing Gym at Tokyo’s Korakuen Hall.

Eight more fights out of the total nine will also be held at Korakuen Hall through the end of February.

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