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Home > Match Information > Ohashi Boxing Gym donates $47,000 to EJBA for medical-care workers fighting COVID-19

Ohashi Boxing Gym donates $47,000 to EJBA for medical-care workers fighting COVID-19

Feb 27, 2021 9:12 am

Ohashi Boxing Gym, who sent three boxers and its trainer Akira Yaegashi to the recently-held charity boxing event ‘’LEGEND’’ at Tokyo’s Yoyogi National Gymnasium has donated 5 million yen (about 47,000 U.S. dollars) to the East Japan Boxing Association because the event was held to boost the morals of medical-care workers who are helping patients suffering from novel coronavirus, the EJBA said at its regular meeting on Feb. 26.

According to the EJBA, which is made up of boxing gym’s heads in the Eastern Japan, these and other donations are being tallied, including from those individual boxers who took part in the LEGEND, and will announce the total amount and medical institutions to which the donations will be sent after everything is settled.

The EJBA also decided to invite five councilors from outside starting April so that it can improve its fairness and transparency in terms of its personal affairs, accounting and so forth.

While the Feb. 11 charity event itself ended without any serious trouble, some EJBA officials, who were not well informed of the event, complained of the leadership as the charity event fell on a regular boxing event at Tokyo’s Korakuen Hall.

Under such circumstances, the leadership side apologized to the officials for the ‘’lack’’ of communication among them and promised to improve the matter from now on.

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